Wow, it's feels like a month since I last updated this blog. I've spent the last 12 days in two of my former home cities: New York City and Boston. It's felt great to be back on the east coast. It's especially interesting to have returned to Boston after so many years. I think I lived in Boston from 1988-1997- good years in hindsight. Coming back 13 years later and spending "tourist time" at the foot of the Boston Common was pretty surreal. They really sell you the "Ye Olde Boston" schtick there now.
You learn a lot about a place by calling it home for years, moving elsewhere, then returning. The people of Boston are so familiar to me- the strangers, I mean. There's a gritty yankee toughness to the people of Boston that I didn't notice much when I moved there from Rhode Island in my late teens. Cranston, Rhode Island was much the same: very cautious and distant body language, and an aversion to prolonged direct eye contact were the norm. When I moved from Boston to NYC in 1997, it felt more exposed and "survival of the fittest." But I didn't feel the lurking undercurrent of aggressiveness between strangers in NYC that I do walking the streets of Boston. No wonder when people in LA mention the toughness of strangers in NYC, I almost wonder what they're talking about.
I managed to sneak in some long-overdue quality time with Shira in both New York and Boston. At the pet-friendly Nine Zero hotel in Boston, I even got two bonus days with Franki. It's as if the last 12 days were deliberately scheduled towards the tail end of this tour to re-familiarize me with my "real" life, and my roots. Check out the pic of Franki enjoying the meaty bone from our porterhouse for two. One lucky dog.
I figured I'd get that off my chest before going back and writing posts for Radio City and the Wang Center. More to come....
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