Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bus to Denver

Hey everyone,
I managed to not get ill on the bus, which was a real feat considering not only how I felt when we left, but also how bumpy and swaying the first several hours of the trip were. I stayed up for hours, getting my ass kicked at MarioKart by both Bleyaert and John Crotteau, mostly because I feared I'd vomit if I were in my bunk getting rolled back and forth. Eventually, I was tired enough to get some sleep.

I awoke at a truck stop in Utah, maybe an hour from Salt Lake City. I took a couple quick shots of the snowy mountains that surrounded us and got back on the bus. At that point, we switched drivers, as the law prohibits truck and bus drivers from driving 20 hours straight. The new driver, Paul, knew a whole lot about the route we were traveling. He would alert me to approaching sights of interest. I took over 400 pictures from that point of the ride until we hit Denver some 8 hours later.

We saw tons of antelope, sheep, a few elk, one llama, and about a million cows and horses. We went from Nevada through Utah, up into Wyoming and down into Colorado. All along the ride, there were stunning vistas. Utah had crazy rock formations and Wyoming had beautiful rolling hillsides full of cows and sheep. Colorado had picturesque orange hills and mountains with distant snowy peaks.

We got to the Curtis Hotel in Denver around 8:30 pm central time. I pretty much went straight to bed. A day off in Denver awaits!

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are spectacular Dave, what a trip, glad you didn't throw up. I'm always glad for that.

    If this last picture is Denver, it looks much more modern than cities back here. I like it.

    I also love reading your postings, you are much more of a writer than I ever realized, and funny, and its a nice connection.

    Here is to Conan! Dad
