Friday, April 16, 2010


Hi all,

It's just after 6pm pacific time, and we're in Spokane, Washington. We arrived from Vancouver yesterday morning around 10am, after another border crossing. This time we all had to get off the bus and face simple questions. The two people in front of me in line were asked "What do you do?" Keep in mind, I had been asleep for a couple hours by this point. So I thought to myself, "just say 'audio engineer' then you can get back to sleep." But the officer instead asked "Where's home?" For a second, I was stumped. Not only was I brain dead, but I've also recently relocated to LA. LA doesn't quite feel like home yet, after having spent my first 40 years on the east coast. So it was a more difficult question than it should have been.

"Uh...LA," I stammered. He looked unimpressed.

"Are you bringing anything back from Canada?" he asked, with a look of suspicion.


"Take a seat."

Five minutes later, we were all back on the bus. I was asleep again within seconds.

Anyhoo, after sleeping 10 hours on the bus, I was ready for a nice shower at the historic Davenport Hotel. Beautiful, opulent hotel. Thank you Conan O'Brien! Check out the bed, That's what I'm TALKIN' about!

After a couple hours, Brian (front of house mixer) and I met up with guitarist Jimmy Vivino for lunch at a mexican deli down the street. Don't worry, I'd never heard of a mexican deli, either. Then we took a walk to the Spokane Falls. We hiked our way to the bottom of the falls, and heard muffled screaming coming from somewhere. Above us, we see the Spokane Skyride cars (enclosed ski lift thing) on cables. There were Conan's webmaster Aaron Bleyaert and wardrobe guy Scott Cronick, hollering at us. You can check out Aaron's blog for details on their ride at

We ended up walking around Spokane for a couple hours, looking for wardrobe supplies for the show. There was a Tea Party rally in honor of Tax Day to see, as well as the Gonzaga University campus. By the time we had what Scott needed, we were all exhausted. Be forewarned: there are NO cabs near Gonzaga. Also, NEVER follow Scott and Aaron when they have "a quick errand" to run. I'm getting old.

Well that was a pretty boring blog entry, folks. Apologies all around. Just look at the pics!

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